Republicans Are Tough On The Constitution


      I watched a Republican "debate" lately and was struck by the attempt by most of the candidates to sound like they were tough on terrorism and that they believe that the first job of the President is to protect the American People.  Some even said that they would maintain or increase the limitations on our civil liberties and continue using torture.  I'm not saying that the President shouldn't have the safety of the American People as a priority, I was disappointed that not one of the candidates gave the right answer.


      Let me remind everyone that every President ever sworn in says these words:

      "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

      The best way for the President to protect us from terrorism is to turn to, and use, the Constitution as our guide and show the people of the world that we believe in it.  If we truly wish the people of the world to respect us and want to follow our example then we need to live up to our Constitution ALWAYS!  What we should do is extend our belief in human rights and dignity to ALL PEOPLE, even criminals and terrorists.  The only chance to prove that our way of life is better than their way is to lead by example.  Leave pre-emptive military invasion and torture to world leaders and governments who wish to be despised by the world community.  The United States is a nation of justice through law.  I do not want to live in a nation that imposes its will throughout the world by threats, intimidation, and military force!




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