Gays on the Left, Gays on the Right


      Senator Craig, Republican... gay?  There are gay Democrats, Republicans, independents, and dare I say it, there are gay people who couldn't care less about politics.  It doesn't matter to me how gay people meet.  It is difficult to be happy in this world and if two consenting adults want to express their sexuality in homosexual or heterosexual ways, then more power to them.  They should just be happy!


      Democrats, for the most part, accept people for who they are.  Most Democrat politicians who are gay can shout it from the rooftops and keep their political jobs.  Not Republicans.  Gay equals bad.  Gay is unnatural and even immoral.  The Bible says the being gay is a sin.  Gays are going to hell!


      Two things really bother me about Republicans.  First, they claim to be the "true" Christian party.  I would like to remind them that the first six letters of Christian is Christ.  The entire basis for their religion is Jesus Christ.  Why do they choose to ignore his most important teachings?  Forgiveness and tolerance above all else is what Jesus preached.  Understanding and compassion guided His every thought and deed.  WWJD?  He would embrace all!  He would include all!  He would love all!  He would forgive all!  Republicans condemn, attack, insult, segregate, reject, and oppress.  Their philosophy is the antithesis of the teachings of Jesus.


      The other thing that bothers me about the Republicans is their hypocrisy.  They stand up and tell us how corrupt and immoral the world is and that they stand for something pure and right while at the same time they lie and cover up for their own.  But when the stuff hits the fan, they condemn and expel their own.  Honestly, I don't know how any fair minded person can look at them and say, "I want to be one of them!"  All they are about is attaining the power to force their corrupt and distorted vision of the world on us all.


       Jesus walked among the diseased, the poor, and the sinners to try to make a better world.  Where would you find Jesus today?  Running for president?  No.  You would find him with Senator Craig and his family, trying to ease their troubled souls.  Jesus was never concerned with how things looked.  He did what was RIGHT!


      And one more thing...  What if senator Craig is telling the truth?  I can picture being caught in a situation where I would be given a choice of fighting for the truth in public where many people, especially those who had been my friends, will automatically think I'm guilty anyway, or just saying I'm guilty to end it now, put the whole sordid episode behind me, keep it quiet to protect my family and friends (and myself), and move on.  I would do almost anything to spare my daughter from scrutiny and embarrassment.  I would lie, cheat, steal, and cover up anything that could hurt her, even if it meant that I would relinquish some of my honor.  And if I were accused of a crime that I didn't commit and I felt it could hurt her if it came out and the police told me all I had to do is plead guilty, pay a fine, walk away, and no one would know...


      If you could steal a million dollars and no one would be hurt by it and no one would ever find out about it, would you do it?  Most people would and there is no reason to feel guilty about it.




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